Jim Rickards how to preserve wealth and make money in challenging times
Making Money Matter Making Money Matter
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 Published On Dec 2, 2020

Jim Rickards speaking at the Virtual Gold Conference in November 2020 shares what happened in the last great depression and how even in the darkest of times money can still be made.
In his new book The New Great Depression, James pulls back the curtain to reveal the true risks to our financial system and what savvy investors can do to survive -- even prosper -- during a time of unrivalled turbulence. Drawing on historical case studies, monetary theory, and behind-the-scenes access to the halls of power, Rickards shines a clarifying light on the events taking place, so investors understand what's really happening and what they can do about it.
In this interviews Jim discusses what is the difference between a recession and a depression. The recession is over but the depression has only just begun.
There is growth but it is below trend and the debt is growing exponentially what does that mean and what comes next?
The US elections and the growing debt issues.
The laws of economics and what is an economy?
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and why it is flawed.
Will Joe Biden last in the White House and why MMT will test the thesis of MMT.
The 2 competing schools of thought and why the more you borrow the bigger the headwind.
What does Jim Rickards recommend as asset allocations.
Why cash can be your best performing asset
What really causes inflation? Why deflation is the problem
A deep dive into the velocity of money and why it matters.
You can spend all you want but you can't necessarily get growth.
Why lockdowns don't work it's just a time shifting process and destroys the economy.
Devaluing the USD against gold will it happen? It has happened before
What can investors do to protect their wealth? Stop looking in the wrong place to start with.
Is Jim's forecast of $15,000USD gold realistic?
Gold, crypto currencies and the blockchain - the future for a digital economy.
Be prepared for slow growth and a back to back recession and a head wind for stocks
Jim ends with some wise words for investors

Follow Jim on Twitter   / jamesgrickards  
Buy his book https://www.amazon.com.au/New-Great-D...

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