AMH test in hindi | Anti Mullerian Hormone test | Symptoms | Normal Range | AMH test
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 Published On Jul 23, 2022

Hello friends welcome to my channel Pathology Gyan,
Today's topic is AMH test (Anti Mullerian Hormone test).
AMH is a type of hormone, this test means AMH in the body. Measures Aniti Mullerian Hormone Levels, AMH Test It tells how many chances are there of being pregnant in a lady, and This test can be done anytime during the menstrual cycle.
This test helps to evaluate Ovarian Function, Therefore, if the patient has a fertility issue, then this test should be done. can be said, and if the doctors feel that the patient Menopause has been entered, so it is advised to get this test done. Turns out, Anti Mullerian Hormone Only Small Developing Formed in follicles, it is estimated from the AMH test that How much is for Ovarian Reserve Eggs i.e. egg.

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