FIXED 4/5 FS Thunderbolt 1003A Tornado Siren Test, Alert, University Park, IL
BusMaster99 BusMaster99
25.2K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Apr 2, 2024

Decided to visit the ol' girl early this year and IT'S WORKING AGAIN! Thank God too because this really is a rare gem with all the replacements that have been happening lately. Despite it being in not so great cosmetic shape, it still works perfectly! I was afraid it wasn't going to sound since University Park tested 2 minutes late, but I lucked out.

Siren Information:

Siren: FS Thunderbolt 1003A
Signal: Alert
Usage: Tornado siren, possibly doubled as a former fire siren
Motors: Chopper: 2HP single phase; blower: 7.5HP 3 phase
Chopper: 4/5 port
Location: University Park Fire Department in University Park, IL
County: Will
Tested: First Tuesday of every month at 10:00am.
Testing time today: 10:02am
Other notes: None

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