Solo male Brewer’s Blackbird makes many different sounds at Cresent City Ca Harbor Feb 2024

 Published On Apr 6, 2024

A bird to be seen in the full sun, the male Brewer’s Blackbird is a glossy, almost liquid combination of black, midnight blue, and metallic green. Females are a staid brown, without the male’s bright eye or the female Red-winged Blackbird’s streaks. Common in towns and open habitats of much of the West, you’ll see these long-legged, ground-foraging birds on sidewalks and city parks as well as chuckling in flocks atop shrubs, trees, and reeds.

Adult males are medium-sized blackbird with a full body, round head, and straight bill. Males are glossy black with a piercing yellow eye and a purple sheen on the head grading to greenish iridescence on the body.

Females are full-bodied blackbird with a straight bill. Females are plain brown, darkest on the wings and tail. Some show metallic greenish sheen on the back in the right light.

Look for Brewer’s Blackbirds in two places: meandering along open ground, eyes peeled for crumbs, seeds, and insects; and perched up high, particularly on utility lines and in groups in the tops of trees.

Brewer’s Blackbirds live across the western half of North America, from below sea level in southern California to more than 8,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains. They occur in a huge variety of natural habitats – grasslands, marshes, meadows, woodland, coastal scrub, chaparral, and sagebrush – as well as many human-created habitats. These include lawns, golf courses, parks, city streets, agricultural fields, and power line rights-of-way.

Brewer’s Blackbirds are quick to notice new food sources and have been credited with helping to curb outbreaks of insect pests including weevils, cutworms, termites, grasshoppers, and tent caterpillars, among others.

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