#81 Talking With Your Elected Officials About the Importance of the Surety Product!

 Published On Mar 14, 2024

On this podcast episode, we are joined by Larry LeClair, Director of Government Relations at NASBP, who will offer some helpful tips when meeting with elected officials. We delve into the importance of engaging with elected officials, so they are attuned to the important issues facing their voter constituents and how those issues directly impact their respective state and/or district. Larry also provides a real-life example where an active NASBP volunteer connects with his elected official resulting in a significant policy change for the surety industry. The podcast also highlights the significance of attending NASBP’s Federal Legislative fly-in. Please visit the NASBP Fly-in (https://www.nasbp.org/2023fly-in/home) for more information and subscribe to NASBP’s Focal Point (https://www.nasbp.org/advocate/state-...) , an electronic bulletin that provides concise, bulleted summaries of key legislative and regulatory developments.

With special guest:

Larry LeClair, Director, Government Relations, NASBP

Hosted by:

Kat Shamapande, Director, Professional Development, NASBP 

Sponsored by Old Republic! (https://www.orsurety.com)

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