What are the different options available to treat hard water
My Water Filter My Water Filter
4.2K subscribers

 Published On Sep 7, 2017


Hi and welcome to our video on the different ways to treat Hard Water. To learn more, please click the link above.

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Good day folks, Rod from My Water Filter here today. And I just wanna have a quick chat to you, try and help you out, because the truth of the matter is the country's running out of water. So the government, water boards, whatever, they've gotta keep the water flowing or everybody's gonna to be screaming. So they're using a lot of boiled water. And while that's great to keep us with some water, with that boiled water comes mineral. And with the mineral comes calcium and magnesium. And with the calcium and magnesium comes disaster for people's homes, all right? I've seen homes in western Australia only weeks old, and the bathrooms are so coated and covered in mineral, that you'd swear they hadn't been cleaned for 10 years. Very upsetting for a lot of customers.

Breaks ladies' hearts when they get a brand-new bathroom and it's just destroyed in a short time. So, what can you do about it? How can you stop this mineral? Water filters just don't do it. The mineral is so fine that the water just travels straight through. You can put a few water filters in a row if you wanna try it out, but I kid you not, The mineral will just go straight through with the water. It's just too fine, okay? How do you get the mineral out? There's a few ways, all right? Ultimately, you could use a large reverse osmosis system. The reverse osmosis system will split the water as the water comes through the system, and you'll get a liter of waste down the drain and that'll take all of the mineral out, and you'll get a liter of pure water in your tank. You do need to have a tank along with that system and you'll keep your tank full, obviously, so there's plenty of water for the whole house. Once the water's into the tank, then you need a pump on the other side to pump the water through the house.

Now that the water's got no chlorine, it's not treated. Potentially, bugs might start growing in there in time, so you'll probably need some UV or some way of stopping that. So as you can see, just what I'm sort of saying about RO systems for a house, very expensive, tanks take up room, maintenance, it's not really an optimum way to go. And the honest truth is hardly any of our customers have ever gone for it. It's just too expensive. Stepping on from there, water softener, okay? Water softeners work, maybe take out about 95% of the mineral if it's a good one, okay? Range, prices, two to five thousand dollars, depending on what sorta softener you buy and the size that you require, depending on the size of your home, okay? Issues with water softeners. The water comes into the softener, there's a cylinder inside full of media.

The media's got a charge on it. And I guess it acts a little bit like a magnet is one way to describe it. As the mineral's coming through the cylinder, the media in the cylinder's got a charge on it, and the mineral will stick to that media, a bit like a magnet. At the same time, 'cause it works on adsorption, it attracts the mineral to the media. Soon as the media does attract it, it releases salt, and so you get sodium into your water. So, if you gotta lot of mineral coming through, the water can actually get a bit slimey and get a lot of sodium in the water. So you need to put a reverse osmosis system under your sink to tidy up the water, take that sodium out so it's okay for you to drink.

The gardens aren't real happy about sodium in the water, the plants, et cetera, And that's another thing, people don't like handling the salt and playing with it, that type thing. So, water softeners, too, a little bit of an issue. Work, but can be an issue. Will keep your shower glass clean But can be an issue, okay? And the price is a bit of a worry too, two to five grand. Most people end up going for what we call a cold-water conditioner, okay? You see can the Limetron in front of us.

It's one of our favorites that we import for this country because they work so well. Been made in 50 countries for over 50 years. So they're time tested and they work a treat. So using the Limetron, it's a different process. It is not going to take the mineral out of the water, which is good in one way, because calcium, we need it. It does 170 bodily functions every day. So it's no good drinking water with nothing in it. So the Limetron will treat the water, but it won't take the mineral out.

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