2022 Harold and Carol Kohn Distinguished Alumni Lecture: Greg Vassie

 Published On Oct 27, 2022

The third annual Harold and Carol Kohn Distinguished Alumni Lecture presents Greg Vassie, PharmD ’03 and his lecture “Community Pharmacy’s Progression and Unfair Advantage.”

This annual lectureship was established by Harold and Carol Kohn to honor the contributions of former UNC Pharmacy School alumni, to recognize faculty and staff who have empowered alumni achievements, and to inspire current students. Before his retirement from Carolina in 2015, Dr. Kohn was a Kenan Distinguished Professor and faculty in the division of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry and the UNC department of chemistry.

This year’s lecturer is Greg Vassie, PharmD ’03. Greg is a generational pharmacist and believes the essential ingredient for great healthcare is the local community; albeit each uniquely different. He has built his career building pharmacies throughout North Carolina by carefully designing the experiences to match the idiosyncrasies of the culture and locale. His co-founded medical company, IndyCare, allows for on-demand urgent care access plus offers services intersecting healthcare consumerism, population health, and collaborative care models. By partnering with existing brick-and-mortar independent pharmacies, IndyCare is transforming pharmacies into healthcare solution shops.

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