Published On Nov 3, 2023

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There have been many waves of immigration in the history of the United States. As soon as one had time to assimilate, it was immediately succeeded by another. And each wave, in addition to tens, and in many cases hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens ready to try to strive for the American dream, brought with it thousands of antisocial personalities of every type. Those who wanted everything at once and by any means.

The immigration of Russian-speakers from the Soviet Union, which began in the late 1960s and continued until the late 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed, was no exception.
The Soviet criminals who ended up in the United States at that time were like children who were locked in a candy store and allowed to take whatever they liked. In the Soviet Union, by and large, they could either steal or extort. The other illegal ways of earning money were either poorly developed or even absent due to its differing economic model.

And then they arrive in the USA and see that you can make money here on almost anything, that you can invest it somewhere and multiply it. And hungry, angry, and ambitious Soviet criminals began to engage in everything that could bring money, from extortion to multi-level fraud and submarine trading for drug cartels.

In just a couple of decades, the so-called Russian Mafia, managed to equal in earnings the most influential criminal gang of that time—the Italian "Cosa Nostra." And the American authorities ranked them, along with Latin American cartels and Italian mafia communities, the primary criminal organizations in the world.

And if you are interested to hear how gangsters from a communist country managed to reach that level of success in the capitalist world, then meet the Russian Mafia in the United States, on the other side of the law.

Original source:
"Red Mafiya" - Friedman Robert I.

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