Want your dream career? This is how I built mine...
Doctor Shaene Doctor Shaene
76.8K subscribers

 Published On Feb 23, 2024

If you’re like me, then you’re looking for a way to get your dream career. My dream was to craft a meaningful and rewarding career that I was happy with, so that I could offer my family a great life doing what I enjoyed. I struggled to make progress towards this dream for many years, sometimes even failing. But, fast-forward a few years and I’m a triple-first class, Cambridge educated, medical doctor, director of studies at Oxford University, manager at a multi-million health-tech company and soon to be lawyer at a magic circle law firm. I’m still building, but how did I get here? Well...
1. I learnt how to understand and memorise lots of complex material efficiently.
2. I mastered how to write convincing personal statements and essays effectively.
3. I figured out how to perform impressively under pressure at interviews.
So, if you’re a student or a working professional looking to get into your dream university, course and ultimately, career, then subscribe and let me show you how I got into my mine, so that you can get into yours!

📌Watch my Essay Writing Masterclass: https://www.doctorshaene.com/essay-ma...
📌Watch for FREE my 2.5 Hour Personal Statement Masterclass: https://www.doctorshaene.com/personal...
📄FREE Personal Statement Guide: https://www.doctorshaene.com/guides
📌Read my Ultimate Personal Statement Guide: https://www.doctorshaene.com/the-ulti...

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