Flock of juvenile Sanderlings at Harbor Beach in Cresent City CA

 Published On Feb 24, 2024


Sanderlings are easy to find on sandy beaches from fall through spring. Pick a beach with a low, gradual slope and walk along the water’s edge. Look for small shorebirds running back and forth in sync with the waves—these are likely to be Sanderlings. While other shorebirds such as plovers and Willets may feed alongside Sanderlings on these outer beaches, this is truly the Sanderling’s domain; these plucky birds often aggressively defend their feeding territories at water’s edge from other shorebirds.

Juveniles have a checkered back and unmarked white underparts. Nonbreeding adults scurry back and forth chasing waves while foraging in loose groups. Forms large flocks during migration, found on sandy beaches chasing waves.

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