The Constitution for the United States of America Read Aloud
Saddleback Leather Saddleback Leather
99K subscribers

 Published On Sep 13, 2021

Reading the Second Most Important Document Ever Written. It is Freedom Personified. The Constitution for the United States of America is one of the four historical documents that Saddleback Leather burns into large panels of leather to frame or hang in offices, lobbies and homes. The Charters of Freedom are composed of three founding documents of the United States: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta is the other that we burn which was the foundation upon which human rights were recognized.

A short history. The Constitution for the United States was signed on September 17th, 1787 as the Supreme Law of the Land, with the understanding there would be amendments that protected the natural rights we have as humans. In 1789, Congress had come up with 12 articles that they thought would work. George Washington sent out 13 copies to the 13 states for them to consider. They did and two years later, on December 14th, 1791, 10 of the 12 articles were ratified and became amendments to the Constitution. These amendments are called The Bill of Rights. There have now been 17 more amendments to the Constitution.

Since then, the Constitution has been used the world over to help establish democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and many other rights for humanity in different constitutions.

I read this out loud in a darker area on purpose to keep the focus on the words. This is to listen to while working or driving, not necessarily to watch. Pass it on so more people can understand the freedoms and rights they were born with.

Sadly, most people have neither read nor physically seen a copy of The Constitution or Bill of Rights. It’s just a distant middle school thought rather than, second to the Bible, the most important and influential writing in all of history.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same. Or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Ronald Reagan

Did you know all Firemen, Military, Police, Congress and all other government officials in America swear in by saying, "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”?

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers gave their lives or limbs defending and protecting this foundational document. They didn’t swear to defend U.S. citizens, our government or the land of the United States. They just swore an oath to protect and defend The Constitution, which is ultimately, to swear to protect and defend Freedom.

All the President of the United States swears in with is this. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Caring for the Constitution is his number one responsibility.

We know that out of sight, out of mind is true. So we also want everyone to encourage American citizens to own a great looking full size leather or paper copy of the Original Constitution or Bill of Rights from Saddleback Leather to permanently display on the walls of their company entrance, lobby, office or in their home. If they don’t have space or can’t afford them, then at least they can get a leather or paper pocket version to carry around or display on their desks. The Constitution is something Americans can rally around if they see it as Freedom Incarnate.

The writers borrow from The Bible, The Magna Carta and their experience with what not to have in government to write down "The Supreme Law of the Land" for us. Many other countries have borrowed from this well thought out document to set up democracy, freedom of speech, judicial systems and so on. It is so influential yet rarely heard or seen. We hope you listen to it now and it changes you in some way.

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