Transform Valuable Foresight into Actionable Insight with a Custom Signals Horizon Scan

 Published On Mar 5, 2024

Future-Ready Organizations look ahead across multiple horizons into the emerging future. They do this by building a horizon scan of future possibilities in order to avoid being blindsided by change.

Horizon scans start with signals to sense and see change that is already here in the present and is just not evenly distributed. We then aggregate these signals into future possibilities and score them, assessing their pace of change, into trends that are emerging, sustaining, peaking or declining.

There are many ways to build a horizon scan. To be useful, however, you not only need to take the long view but you also need to work backwards from the most speculative futures to the present, identifying actions needed over the short- and medium-term to seize an opportunity or avoid a disruption.

In this session, Rod Falcon, Director of IFTF Advisory Services, discusses strategic foresight and IFTF’s approach to Signals Horizon Scanning. He shares with you our thinking on the Future-Ready Organization, showcases our collaborative forecasting signals platform Future Factors, and goes over some practical insights into ways to get started.


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