Surah Naziat (Those Who Drag Forth) | Recited by Hamza & Daniel | The Mic Check Youth Series

 Published On Nov 23, 2020

The MCC Mic Check series is a teen-initiated effort when a youth or pair of youths in the East Bay express their love for the Qur'an by reciting their favorite verses with melody and beauty. The series is curated by Muslim Student Association (MSA) at California High School in San Ramon.

- Watch more Mic Check Youth Qur'anic clips at
- Recite for this series (only East Bay youth ages 8-21): at

This recitation was delivered via the Muslim Community Center - East Bay (MCC East Bay) in Pleasanton, California on September 12, 2020.

COVID-19 Shelter-in Place: This video was recorded at a residence and both reciters belong to the same household. MCC Youth Hiba Adeeb added English subtitles to the recitation.

About the Reciters:
Hamza Khawaja is a Union City native who studied Qur’an under Sheikh Tayyib. He’s currently a senior studying Computer Science and Data Science at UC Berkeley.

Daniel Kim is a freshman at Zaytuna College who is currently pursuing a degree in Islamic Law and Theology. He spent the majority of his high school years in Memphis, Tennessee studying under Imam Hamza Abdul Malik. He has always studied sacred knowledge, and hopes to one day teach the knowledge he studies. He has interests in film making, art, and many different sports.

Follow the channel 'Hamza Recites' at:    / @hamzarecites2913  

About Their Qur'anic Selection:

An-Nāziʻāt (Arabic: النازعات, “Those Who Pull Out”, in reference to “the angels who tear out the souls of the wicked”) is the seventy-ninth sura of the Qur'an with 46 ayat. Its name derived from the word wan-nazi‘at with which it opens. The root (n-z-‘) roughly means “to yank out with great force”, although it can also mean “to yearn for” or “to yearn after”.

Its theme is affirmation of the Resurrection and the life hereafter. It also warns of the consequences of belying the Messenger of God.

The Surah opens with oaths sworn by the angels who take the soul at death and those who hasten to carry out Allah’s Commands, and those who conduct the affairs of the universe according to Divine Will, to assure that the Resurrection will certainly come to pass and the second life after death will certainly take place. For the angels who are employed to pluck out the soul today can also be employed to restore the soul tomorrow, and the angels who promptly execute Allah's Commands and conduct the affairs of the universe today can also upset the order of the universe tomorrow by orders of the same God and can also bring about a new order.

After this the people have been told, so as to say: “This work which you regard as absolutely impossible, is not any difficulty for Allah, for which He may have to make lengthy preparations. Just a single jolt will upset this system of the world and a second jolt will be enough to cause you to appear as living beings in the new world. At that time the same people who were wont to deny it, would be trembling with fear and seeing with awestruck eyes all that they thought was impossible.

Then, relating the story of the Prophet Moses and Pharaoh briefly (it is the chronologically earliest sura to do this),[6] the people have been warned to the effect: “You know full well what fate the Pharaoh met in consequence of belying the Messenger and rejecting the guidance brought by him and endeavoring to defeat his mission by trickery and deceit. If you do not learn any lesson from it and do not change your ways and attitude accordingly, you also will have to meet the same fate.

COVID-19 Shelter-in Place Note: This video was recorded at a residence and both reciters belong to the same household.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Verily, the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

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