WOKE DISNEY Gets SLAMMED As Chris Hemsworth Is SICK Of Thor!
The Average Millenial The Average Millenial
1.66K subscribers

 Published On May 9, 2024

Hello folks, it’s the average millennial, and today we’re gonna talk about how woke disney gets slammed as chris hemsworth is sick of thor! By talking about Chris Hemsworth's candid revelations about his iconic role as Thor in the marvel movies or mcu movies. Hemsworth, known for his portrayal of Thor since 2011, didn't mince words when discussing his frustrations with the character especially with woke marvel and woke mcu. From feeling like a security guard to admitting he became a parody of himself in the latest installment, the actor's remarks painted a candid picture of his inner struggles. Indeed, Hemsworth's sentiments were raw and unfiltered. His admission of feeling overshadowed by his co-stars and grappling with the weight of portraying such an iconic character struck a chord with fans and critics alike. But perhaps the most striking revelation was Hemsworth's remorse over thor Love and Thunder. The actor confessed to getting caught up in the improv and wackiness, ultimately feeling like he didn't stick the landing. So what do these revelations mean for the future of Thor and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Will Hemsworth's candid remarks pave the way for a new direction in his career. Only time will tell. But what do you think. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Don’t forget to like the video, and subscribe for more updates. Thanks for watching, and until next time, take care.

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