May O'Connor Of Magnolia Ad Co: Streamline Business Goals With Digital Functionality
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 Published On Feb 19, 2019 May O'Connor of Magnolia Ad Co gives advice on how to streamline business goals with digital functionality. 561-571-8053
2:11 May gives the 1st tip on creating a content bank
2:37 May gives the 2nd tip on advance planning
3:02 May gives the 3rd tip on using a tracking system

I think when people have that “entrepreneurial mindset,” and they're starting something new, they “know what they know,” about their business, and they do it really well, but the digital side of things usually isn't one of their strengths.

So, many people who come to me for a new website are not exactly clear on their brand or how to describe what they offer. So we help them establish the most important information about their business, which is “who, what, when, where why, how,” and then we help translate their message into their website and on social media so that people can connect with them.

Often, when planning content, people don’t think far enough in advance. So, for example, there's this misconception that social media can really only be posted just as things are happening. So, I’ll often hear things from clients like, “Oh crap, I haven't posted anything in five days,” or they don't know when the last time they posted a blog or they haven’t updated their website in a long time.

Organizing your time well goes a long way towards streamlining your business using digital functionality.

Here are a few things that you can do to take control of your time:

First off, it helps to schedule tasks on certain days of the week. So let’s say your goal is to gain a better blog or social media following, which makes posting consistent content key. Scheduling time to do this makes creating content just that much more manageable. For instance, make Monday your blog day, Tuesday could be like a social media day, and Thursday is the day to check in on your website.

I definitely encourage people to do things like write blog posts in advance. It helps to keep track of a list of topics that you want to write about, and then on your blog day, you can hammer out five or six posts for different topics and then schedule them to post in the future. That way, you create a digital content bank, and you have articles ready to go in advance, which is so much more stress-free than trying to catch up.

That brings me to plan and schedule things in advance. If it’s January, do you know what you are going to do in February? Well, in February, there’s Valentine's Day so it’s nice to look ahead for important dates or events, whatever’s coming up next and write those blog posts. So talk about what you’re gonna do on social media. Start to get some campaigns together and get your graphics designed a few weeks in advance.

Use a digital tracking system, consistently. There was a time I was scribbling things on a note pad and I had post-its everywhere. My advice is, use software with a dashboard and organize all your tasks and to-do lists and your schedule. It makes it so much easier to look at, and then prioritize.

Magnolia Ad Co became a full-service agency because we found more and more that when we built websites for people, they would then say, “Great, we love our website, now what do we do?" So we actually have a “Now What” package, which is an a la carte menu of just different packages where we offer everything from tutorials to content creation to tech support.

A unique approach that we at Magnolia bring to the table is the fact that we coach our clients and create a whole digital business solution in addition to building their website. We genuinely care about the people that we work with and want to see them succeed in all digital aspects of their business, including social media, email marketing, creating quality content and more. Feel free to check us out at Magnolia Ad Co dot com and schedule a complimentary consultation.

For more information, contact May O'Connor at:
105 E Atlantic Ave
Suite 200
Delray Beach, FL 33444

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