Environmental Prevention 101

 Published On Oct 17, 2016

College students don't live in a bubble, even those that reside on campus. They may live, work, and play within the community. With alcohol use a top public health issue among college students, the negative consequences can also impact campuses. Campuses and communities can and should work together to implement environmental prevention strategies to reduce high-risk drinking.

This webinar gives an overview of the benefits of environmental prevention, examples of effective strategies, and how environmental prevention can make the most impact with limited resources. Health promotion and wellness professionals that are new to alcohol and drug prevention, mental health counselors, law enforcement, and campus/community coalition members would all be better able to advocate for and implement evidence-based environmental prevention strategies after this webinar.

Learning objectives include:
1: Participants will be able to define what environmental prevention is and understand the research behind it
2: Participants will be able to identify evidence based environmental prevention strategies
3: Participants will be able to identify resources that identify and support environmental prevention.

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