The Smoking Mirror [Invocation of Tezcatlipoca] | Prehispanic Epic Music

 Published On Sep 10, 2021

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"And of these four sons of Tonacatecuhtli and Tonacacihuatl, Tezcatlipoca was the one who knew all thoughts and was everywhere and knew hearts, and for this reason they called him Moyocoyani, which means that he is all-powerful... These gods had these names and many others, because according to the thing in which they were understood, or attributed to them, that is how they gave it a name, because each people gave them different names, due to their language, and thus they are named by many names.”

🎵*These works are made with the purpose of entertaining, so they should not be used as historical-cultural references.

Own of the Toltec pantheon, Tezcatlipoca, whose name means The smoking mirror. Quetzalcóatl's main antagonist and the first of the four Tezcatlipocas, known as "Yayauhqui Tezcatlipoca" or Black Tezcatlipoca.
Characterized as the "God" of darkness, the invisible, and providence.

If you are interested in using this specific song for a project that is to be released in any way, please consider the following piece copyrighted. If you want a license for a project, contact me to reach an agreement ;)

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