Peace Creeps with Annabelle Soley 030924

 Published On Mar 10, 2024

The Peace Creeps is the current musical project featuring former A’s captivating front man Richard Bush. Richard and his A’s were the darlings of Philly in the ‘70s and early ‘80s and had the hits “After Last Night” and “A Woman’s Got The Power”, which was later recorded by both Clarence Clemons and Jennifer Holliday. They released two albums on Arista Records and toured nationally, but they disbanded due to disputes with their record company. After that Bush had a few other bands and then took a long hiatus to write and record. Finally, along with guitarist John Marchiano, bassist Roy Fisher and drummer Jeff Pancoast, The Peace Creeps were born. Bush and song writing partner, AJay McLaughlin’s clever lyricism, along with their Elvis Costello–like wit, Faces–like looseness and the pop sensibilities of the Beatles are reasons for their appeal. 

Annabelle Soley is a high school senior and singer/songwriter from Havertown, PA .  Annabelle has performed numerous times at the Kelly Center in the Student Stage program.  She has also performed at several Kelly Music Festivals.

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