Tea eggs my grandmother used to make, the flavor comes from childhood, unforgettable for a lifetime.

 Published On Apr 23, 2023

Grandma's homemade tea eggs from childhood, the flavor of which originated from my youth, is unforgettable for a lifetime.

1. Ingredients:
Eggs, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, oyster sauce, cinnamon, cloves, dried chili, bay leaves, fennel seeds, tea leaves, chicken bouillon, ginger, star anise, dried tangerine peel.

2. Instructions:
(1) Wash the eggshells clean with cold water, using a scouring pad or brush if needed.
(2) Place the eggs in cold water and bring to a gentle boil over low heat, then simmer for about 2 minutes. This step forms a preliminary layer of maturity inside the eggs, reducing the chances of cracking later. It also sterilizes the eggshells with high heat for further handling.
(3) Cool the eggs with cold water, then gently crack the shells using a rolling pin and tap the bottom of the egg on the tabletop. These cracks allow the eggs to absorb flavors and create beautiful marble patterns.
(4) Fill a pot with cold water, add the eggs, ginger slices, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, oyster sauce, cinnamon, cloves (2 pieces), bay leaves, fennel seeds, dried chili, tea leaves, chicken bouillon, star anise (1-2 pieces), dried tangerine peel.
(5) To ensure the tea eggs are well-colored and flavored, you can adjust the amounts of dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, and salt accordingly.
(6) It's best to put the spices and tea leaves in a spice bag or wrap them up before putting them into the pot.
(7) Choose aromatic and dark-colored teas like black tea, jasmine tea, or Pu-erh tea.
(8) Heat over low heat, bring to a gentle boil, and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Avoid letting the soup boil vigorously to prevent the eggs from bursting. Then turn off the heat and let them steep for several hours, preferably overnight, for the best flavor.

Note: The key is to control the heat; too much heat can cause the eggs to burst. Simmer them for a longer time and let them soak to allow the flavors to penetrate. Once the eggs are cooked, they can be stored in the refrigerator and eaten over several days. When reheating the tea eggs, avoid using the microwave (as they may explode). Instead, let them sit at room temperature or heat them in hot water.

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