Getting Stuck on the Spiritual Journey (Excerpt)
Adyashanti Adyashanti
102K subscribers

 Published On Sep 10, 2021 – A lot of spiritual practices are meant to get us to an uncomfortable place as quickly as possible and we can find ourselves stuck at what seems like a dead end. Adyashanti offers perspectives on these limitations that the ego runs into.

Excerpted from Summer 2021 Online Retreat, “Silent Retreat Vol. 80 ~ Talks”:

Quotes from this Video:

“We get this idea that we're on a trajectory and we think we can predict where that trajectory is going.”

“You really feel like you're getting the hang of it all, and then all of a sudden, you seem to hit a brick wall.”

“What we bump up against at some point is the limitation of the way our ego operates.”

“We tend to have a lot of built-in avoidance mechanisms and resistance mechanisms to running up against our own limitations.”

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