Concrete Lifting by Polyurethane Injection | PolyLEVEL™ System by Sure Dry Basement Systems

 Published On Oct 31, 2013 | 1-800-379-3788

PolyLEVEL takes the original concept of mud jacking and combines it with modern knowledge and technology to raise and lift sunken or broken concrete.

PolyLEVEL offers important ADVANTAGES:

-Strong but light: PolyLEVEL weighs only about 4lbs. per cubic ft., compared to 120lbs. per cubic ft. for standard fill material. PolyLEVEL's light weight makes it useful where denser fill material might impose an undesirable load on weak soils. Despite its light weight, PolyLEVEL can support substantial loads; it typically provides greater lifting power than mudjacking.

-Waterproof: Once cured, PolyLEVEL will not wash away. PolyLEVEL's waterproofing properties can be beneficial in certain applications.
Stable and inert. PolyLEVEL does not react with soil or moisture; it will not leach harmful chemicals into the soil.

-Quick curing: Down time is minimized with a PolyLEVEL repair. Full loading of the foundation, roadway or other structural element can usually happen about 15 minutes after the material is injected.

- Adjustable: Adjusting the density and expansive force of the 2-part foam affords a wide range of geotechnical uses. Lifting force can be adjusted by fine-tuning the chemical reaction that causes the foam to expand. An experienced applicator can factor not only the weight of the structural element but also soil characteristics and temperature and weather conditions. Special formulations are possible for applications where water must be displaced.

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