Porter Stansberry's Journey from a startup with $36k in financing to a $3 billion IPO

 Published On May 1, 2022

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Porter Stansberry founded Stansberry Research with a laptop and $36k of financing from Bill Bonner.

(You can meet Porter in person at the June 14-15th www.FinancialMarketingSummit.com)

He and his partner, Steve Sjuggerud, and the team they built, turned that 36k into a $3 billion valuation at their IPO.

That initial money was to fund what would become one of the most successful promotions in the history of financial publishing.

In this conversation, I wanted to dig into the pivotal decisions Porter made along that journey to $3 billion.

What decisions did he make that really MATTERED?

And how were those decisions different than the decision other publisher's made along the way.

He did not disappoint.

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