Learn the Alphabet (Letter C) | Educational videos for kids | Stutterbugg
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 Published On Mar 12, 2021

ABC 123 Letter C is part of learn the alphabet with Stutterbugg series. Join Rob as he searches and learns about the letter C in this alphabet series you're kids will love!

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Beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep.

Hey, it's me, Rob, from Stutterbugg, and I'm just hanging out playing with my cars. Hey, do you want to see my cars? See? I've got a little hot rod. Look, it even has little flames on the side. Oh! Then I've got a race car. Vroom, vroom. Yeah, then I've got a helicopter. He's even got sunglasses; he's so cute! And, I've got a tow truck. Look at that; it's even got tools on the side. Can you see what tools they are? There's a hammer, a screwdriver and a wrench. Yeah, that's so cool! Then, I've got my all-time favorite. I've got a police car. Yeah, isn't it cool? Wait, police car? Car? Do you know what letter the word car starts with? It starts with the letter C. I love the letter C. Hey, do you want to help me learn about the letter C? You do? Awesome! We could search for the letter C, then we could make a craft out of it. Oh, it'll be so much fun! Ok, come on, let's do it. Come on!

Hey, here we are back in the alphabet forest; yeah, let's see if we can find the letter C. Wait! Do you remember what the letter C looks like? Ok, let's draw it together, yeah. The letter C is almost one full circle, well oval. Anyway, now that we know what the letter C looks like. Come on, let's go see if we can find it, Come on, come on!

Look, another letter of the alphabet. Come on, let's go check it out! Come on! Oh, look, another letter, yeah. Could this be the letter C? Ok, well, the letter C is almost one full circle, yeah. But not quite; it's open on the one side. How about this letter, is it like a circle? Well, it is a circle. Well, I guess an oval. Still, it can't be the letter C. ok, let's keep looking. Come on!

Look, it's another letter. Yeah, could this be the letter C? Well, it's an oval shape, just like the letter C. Yeah, and it's open on one side just like the letter C. Wait, we found the letter C! Good job! Yeah, ok, this is an uppercase C, and this is a lowercase C. Yeah, do you know what sound the letter c makes? It makes a "C" sound. Yeah, like carrot, or candy, or car, or cookie!

Hey, let's do a craft together using the letter C. Wait, what should we make? A cat? A cookie? crocodile? Oh, I know, let's do a crab! I need to change the colour of the C to red. Like that. Perfect! Ok, let's work on his eyes. Awesome! Ok, what am I gonna use to make his eyes? Let's use this block. I'm just gonna trace and then cut out his eyes. While I'm doing that, let's look at some real crabs.

Crabs have a thick external skeleton called an exco-skeleton, and they can be found in all the world's oceans, in fresh water and on land. Did you know there are 4 500 species of crabs? That's a lot! Some crab species can even shed limbs, such as their claws, and then grow them back. That's crazy!

Awesome, there's one, two eyes. Ok, let's work on the inside part of his eyes. What can I use for that? Let's use the glue cap. Ok, now I just have to trace and cut these out. Just like that. Perfect! Ok, now I have to make the pupil. I'll get some black paper, and yeah, I'll cut out little small circles for his pupil. Just like that. Awesome! Ok, let's glue them together.

Did you know the crabs have 10 legs? Yeah, that's a lot of legs! Well, that includes their pinchers. Oh, look at this guy. He's so funny! Crabs usually have a distinct sideways walk; however, some crabs can walk forwards and backwards. Some are even capable of swimming. That's crazy awesome!

Ok, now we just have to make the pinchers. I'll use this half piece of red paper again, and I'll draw out the claws. While I'm doing that, did you know the crab's claws are called chelae? Ok, now that I have one cut out, let's use it as a template for the second one. Awesome, now that I have them done, let's glue them to the arms. There's one. Awesome, and there are two. Now we have to glue them to our C. While I'm gluing those on. Let's learn about Japanese spider crabs.

Japanese spider crabs are the largest crabs in the world. They can reach a length of 12 feet. That's crazy! It may look scary, but it's actually known to be very gentle towards others.

This is a Sand Bubbler crab, and he lives on the beaches in Australia. Sand Bubbler crabs live in boroughs under the sand where they live at high tide. When the tide goes out, they come to the surface, and they scour the sand for food. That's how they make those bubbles of sand. They can scour up to a meter around their burl. They're pretty awesome!

There he's all done. Thanks so much for helping me make this craft!

Thanks for watching!

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