The Nine Year Plan and the intellectual life of the Bahá’í community

 Published On Sep 21, 2022

Firaydoun Javaheri - 2022 ABS Conference

The Bahá'í community is tasked with striving to bring about the fulfillment of Bahá'u'lláh’s Mission. Its intellectual life thrives with every endeavor undertaken on this path. This presentation explores some of the advances the community made during the decades leading up to 1996 as well as the colossal transformation that has taken place over the past 26 years. It also examines the extensive range of fields of service aimed at releasing the society-building power of the Faith, placing emphasis on the study of the Writings in various settings as integral to the progress of the Nine Year Plan. Of particular note is how strengthening the system of education, including the training institute, enhances our ability to see all areas of activity as dimensions of a single, unified, outward-looking endeavor that fortifies the intellectual life of the community.

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