【Garden99】13 types of vegetables and fruits worth growing in backyard | 13种超级值得种的蔬菜水果,性价比高,种起来才划算

 Published On Premiered Mar 4, 2023

In today's episode, I will share with you some vegetables and fruits that are worth growing at home due to their high cost-effectiveness and value. After watching this, you won't feel like growing your own vegetables is not worth it anymore!

The criteria for selecting these vegetables and fruits as high cost-effective and worth growing are mainly based on two points:

These fruits and vegetables are expensive to buy or difficult to find locally.
They are easy to grow or at least not too difficult to grow, and do not require a lot of time and effort to maintain.
Therefore, the selected vegetables and fruits are those that are both easy to grow and expensive or hard to find. So, what are these vegetables and fruits that meet these criteria? Let's take a look at the 13 types that I have grown in my yard:

Chinese yam
Golden berry
Blackberry and raspberry
Chinese chives
13. 柿子
12. 斐济果
11. 佛手瓜
10. 无花果
9. 山药
8. 芦笋
7. 姜
6. 菇娘
5. 黑莓、树莓
4. 人参果
3. 蓝莓
2. 香菜
1. 韭菜
However, the availability and pricing of these vegetables and fruits may vary in different regions, so it is important to consider the actual situation in your area before deciding whether to grow them yourself.

Chapter directory:
Criteria worth planting: 00:00
13. Persimmon: 01:05
12. Feijoa: 02:39
11. Chayote: 03:50
10. Figs: 04:56
9. Yam: 06:30
8. Asparagus: 07:25
7. Ginger: 08:18
6. Golden berry 09:23
5. Blackberry, Raspberry: 10:13
4. Pepino: 11:27
3. Blueberries: 12:32
2. Coriander: 13:03
1. Chives: 13:51

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