一艘船舶在海上沉没 - A Ship is Lost at Sea

 Published On Jan 18, 2012

在二零一零年十月底,香港聯合船塢(HUD)拖船「鴨洲」奉命援助載有九千噸棕櫚油的小型油船Global Juno 。油船也曾被政府飛行服務隊直昇機「超級美洲豹」和印尼貨船RBD Fiuggi 所拯救。

In late October, 2010 the HUD tug Ap Chau tried to salvage a small product tanker, Global Juno loaded with 9000 tons of Palm Oil from which the crew had been rescued earlier by a Super Puma helicopter of Hong Kong's Government Flying Service and the ship RBD Fiuggi. To help the salvage a second tug Sha Chau, was mobilized. Unfortunately Global Juno went under, its sinking recorded on film.

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