Hamburger Po’Boy Recipe

 Published On Apr 28, 2024

Today on food for the soul I will be showing you a delicious hamburger recipe

Ground Beef
seasoning of your choice
Cheese of your choice
Po'Boy buns
diced onions
your favorite toppings on your burger

Verse of the video
[The evil men who killed Jesus] did what your power [O God,] and will had decided beforehand should happen.
—Acts 4:28

poor boy sandwich was then created in 1929 when the Electric Street Railway employees went on strike, and the Martin brothers gave away sandwiches to the strikers. The original Martin poor boy sandwiches were typically fried potatoes, gravy, and spare bits of roast beef on French bread.Apr 6, 2021

Why do they call it a po boy sandwich?
According to historian Errol Laborde, the correct way to refer to the sandwich is “poor boy” because it was created by the Martin brothers after the streetcar strikers – those “poor boys.” But whether it's referred to as a poor boy, po' boy, po-boy, or po boy, what everyone can agree on is that the famous sandwich ...

#food #hamburger #recipe #poboys
#subsandwich #sandwich

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