Telling the Truth about the Border: A Humane Vision for Border Management

 Published On Feb 22, 2024

On February 21, the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) hosted a webinar and discussion, "Telling the Truth about the Border: A Humane Vision for Border Management." Experts from the US-Mexico border spoke about the realities along the border and the human consequences of US border enforcement policy. They also reacted to a recent failed border agreement in Congress, and offered more humane and effective ways to manage migration at the US-Mexico border moving forward.

Speakers included:
- Most Reverend Mark J. Seitz, Bishop of El Paso, Texas, and Chairman of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration
- Joanna Williams, Executive Director, Kino Border Initiative, Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
- Guerline M. Jozef, Founder and Executive Director, Haitian Bridge Alliance, San Diego, CA
- Dylan Corbett, Executive Director, Hope Border Institute, El Paso, Texas

Kevin Appleby, Senior Fellow for Policy & Communications at CMS, moderated the discussion.

CMS is a think tank and an educational institute devoted to the study of international migration, to the promotion of understanding between immigrants and receiving communities, and to public policies that safeguard the dignity and rights of migrants, refugees, and newcomers.

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