Jody McNamara of Socially Adept Solutions: Using Wix Apps Creatively
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 Published On Nov 20, 2018 Jody McNamara of Socially Adept Solutions in Boston, MA (508) 826-1800. Using Wix tools and features in creative, new ways.
1:32 Jody talks about using the Wix FAQ app in multiple ways
2:11 Jody describes the different uses of the Wix Music app
2:27 How to use Wix Galleries as an eCommerce feature

I had a mentor back in the day who used to say, “Software should be intuitively obvious to the casual observer,” and that phrase really stuck with me. If it isn't intuitively obvious to even, you know, the most non-technical among us, then you really need to go back and take another look.

A lot of times a business owner has a need or a want or a problem that, on the surface, doesn’t look like it could be solved with a particular tool or feature. They want certain results and can’t figure out how to achieve those results on their own.

Wix certainly offers an expansive array of features and tools, but at the end of the day, it is packaged software. So we find it helps to think “outside the box” to find the right solution. Using a tool or a feature differently than its intended use can absolutely achieve the desired results.

Knowing how all the different applications and products work together, allows us to use them creatively and in different ways than how perhaps they were originally intended.

Here are just a few examples of the possibilities:

Use Wix FAQ everywhere. We use Wix the Wix FAQ app for everything, not just frequently asked questions. I can't even tell you… It's so easy and it’s a great tool to use. And it just works fabulously for all kinds of things, for instance, We use the FAQ app for staff or board member bios, really anywhere where a full page of text might be intimidating to the viewer. We also use it for organizational statements that the client might want on their home page like “Mission, About, History,” again, anywhere where a lot of text might not be advisable.

Wix Music is not just for musicians. Although it's set up to sell singles and albums, it can also be used to make audio files available as part of a paid course or program. You can get really creative with images in place of album cover art.

Galleries can be used in place of an online store. If you don’t really want or need a full-blown online store, but still want to offer products that can be purchased, you can set up image galleries instead. This way, someone can click on an image to get information on the product along with instructions on how to order. And, actually now, with the new Wix Pay API, it makes this even easier.

At Socially Adept Solutions, our team has a firm grasp of technology, its uses and its forms, resulting in beautifully designed websites that are, in fact, intuitively obvious to the casual observer. As the official Wix Ambassador's for the Boston area, we hold Wix Workshops and Meet-Ups. These events are free and open to the public.

To learn more, and to view our portfolio, visit us online at Socially Adept Solutions dot com. If you mention this episode, we’re happy to offer you a 20% discount on your new website.

Jody McNamara
Socially Adept Solutions\
(508) 826-1800

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