A collection of TOP8 mouth-watering and novel Korean market foods

 Published On Dec 4, 2023

๐Ÿ˜„A collection of TOP 8 mouth-watering and novel Korean market foods

โ„น๏ธ Information

1. Wow Chicken 0:00:00
2. Woowol beef tripe 0:53:30
3. Hwagok-dong Tteokbokki snack 0:30:11
4. Nara Jokbal 0:42:23
5. Banyawol fish cake 0:52:28
6. Seafood heaven 1:00:52
7.Changdong Toast 1:13:49
8. Jar Pork Belly 1:19:04

๐Ÿ’ฒ Price: KRW / USD

๐ŸŒ Location
Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ioJXWDp73cGhi...

๐ŸŽฅ Free photo shoot requests and reports
๐Ÿ’Œ Email: [email protected]

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- Please note that this video does not contain paid advertisements.

๐Ÿ”Ž#Korea #street food #binge watching

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