Beer with your hands for 10 rubles to 1 liter. Recipe + Tasting

 Published On May 19, 2018

I share with you a recipe for cheap, but still delicious home-brewed beer, which will give odds to any factory. Although I make beer on my Condor equipment, you can make it using your home utensils. We came out the cost of 10 rubles per 1 liter, but for beginners it will turn out 15-20 rubles per 1 liter. In any case, I recommend to try to make yourself and enjoy the product made by your own hands! Fine all drinks and excellent health!

Stage 1-Preparation. It is necessary to check the presence of all the ingredients, equipment and adaptation, otherwise you will reach a certain stage, and it turns out that there is no, such as yeast. And then it was all for nothing. Very important point, don't miss it.

2 stage-Rubbing. A process that converts starch-containing raw materials into glucose and other sugars. Each stage is important, so try to squeeze all the maximum useful for beer. Pauses that can be done: 65 and 72 degrees, then mashout (80 degrees) and you can proceed to the check of the wort on saccharification with iodine and draining this very wort. Time saccharification pause 65-67 degrees lasts 60-90 minutes, this volna a lot. The rest pause on 20 minutes.

Stage 3-Cooking. Process for 60 minutes for light beer and 90 minutes for dark beer. Hops are making after the beginning of boiling the wort after 5-10 minutes for bitterness, at the end of the same bring hops for 5-10 minutes for flavor. I suggest you play with different amounts of hops and time of application, then you will get different flavors and you can choose the best recipe for yourself. Irish moss is needed to lighten the wort, remove proteins and all the excess from it, but it must be careful, otherwise overdo it and get swill, as from the pharmacy, will smell strongly of iodine and medicines. Half a pill at 30 liters is enough.

Stage 4-Fermentation. Then we quickly cool the wort to 25-30 degrees to start the fermentation process. I used to do it and bottles of ice, and cooled in the snow, but chiller cooling is the best option. 15-20 minutes and ready! Next, pour all in a container for fermentation, and add the yeast. We leave it in a dark place without disturbing for 7-10 days. If you are measuring the density of the wort to determine the degree of alcohol, it is now the time. Measured the density and write the data.

Stage 5-Carbonation and Exposure. After 10 days, this beer can already be drunk, but without gas it is not so tasty, so it must be carbonized, especially if you want to keep it. I have a beer that is more than a year old and it tastes great! Carbonation is like preservation, so we make it taste better and extend its shelf life. It is simple. Or add the previously postponed wort (primer), about 5-10% of the total. Either add glucose, fructose to the container itself or to the bottles. About 5-10 grams per 1 liter of wort, depending on the desired result (the more grams, the more gases, but do not overdo it, can not withstand the bottle). After 5-10 days, the beer you can drink.

TASTING! And finally, we can try this beer. I personally keep it in the cellar for a few more weeks, and then try. One begins to savor the beer is already 2 weeks after cooking, that is, as quickly as possible vybrazhivaet and carbonizing. This is a personal matter, but the older the beer is-the tastier it is! Do not despair if the first time the beer will not be as tasty as you wanted. Over time, experience will come and you will learn how to make a chic beer! Fine all drinks and excellent health!

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