Descending a Dangerous Inclined Shaft at the Abandoned Anderson Mine

 Published On Apr 19, 2024

Have you ever discovered something that was dangerous, frightening, or intriguing and couldn’t get it out of your mind? Almost 3 years ago, I stumbled across a narrow, rubble-filled inclined shaft on top of a hill at the old Anderson Mine. I was exploring solo at the time, so I did not descend into the abandoned mine. In the months and years afterward, I would sometimes think about the sketchy inclined shaft I had found and what it might lead to. Needing to put an end to the mystery, I recently joined forces with Jeff and Kelli from @otgexploring and James from @Overboard141 to make the grueling 6 mile hike to the Anderson Mine where we finally descended the sketchy shaft.

The Anderson Mine dates back to the 1870s and was pretty much dug entirely by hand using pickaxes. Those old-time miners sure had a lot of determination. While exploring, we discovered lots of classic timbering, stopes, a unique canister, square-headed nails, and more. I hope you enjoy this video adventure and everything we saw down in those underground drifts. It was quite an adventure!

NOTE: This video was shot in stunning 4K resolution at 60 fps. If your viewing device can handle it, be sure to watch this video in 4K to experience cinematic supremacy!


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