【PURIST】傳奇華裔汽車收藏家 美國慈善車友會 Purist Group創辦人 李宏聲 Sean Lee 專訪Part 1︱
Drive DOPE Drive DOPE
9.26K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Dec 29, 2022

【Drive DOPE】沉寂了一段時間,但我們沒有離開,而是開始準備要好好述說這段時間發生的故事,謝謝大家的關心,也請大家期待,我們後面會有超棒的內容與這段時間真實故事經歷要公開分享,今天要和各位介紹分享的是THOMAS非常好且敬重的朋友、也是他最愛的好大哥李宏聲/Sean Lee, Sean哥是一位LA名流圈的知名華裔慈善愛心人士與華裔跑車收藏家,不僅擁有多臺酷炫高級的豪華跑車,也喜愛機械產品、機動車、機車、紅酒、音樂各種有趣的事物,更創辦【PURIST】這個非常棒的慈善組織,我們也有幸參與多年。在今年最後的尾聲,與大家分享許多當時有趣的故事對談。

It has been awhile since we last update. We didn’t leave and we are ready to share with everyone what has been going on for the past few month. Thank you for the patience and we promise to provide you with very interesting topics to follow. We will end the year, with one of Thomas’s most respectable person, Sean Lee. Sean Lee is a very well know philanthropist who shares his passion on cars, watches, wine and most important his charity work with PURIST . Let us share with you the first part of their interview.

【About DOPE】
創立於2021年的夏天,由一個熱愛賽車想重回賽道、挑戰國際賽事的車手Thomas和兩個好友Jason & Karen共同創辦的平台,在這裡你可以看到關於賽車的挑戰紀錄與過程,我們也致力於各類車款 / 生活風格 / 美食旅遊 /精品錶款等的分享。
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