How to Stop Feeling Trapped in Your Life
Alexander Lynch Alexander Lynch
561 subscribers

 Published On May 7, 2020

Sometimes we feel trapped – maybe at work, maybe in a relationship, maybe (at the time of recording) because you’re on lockdown.

Whatever the reason, it’s not a fun feeling to have.

So, what can you do to stop feeling trapped in your life?

The good news is, you’ve taken the first step because you’ve acknowledged the feeling.

Feelings have their good and their bad side but the next piece of good news is that you can change them. You can almost shake them off like a dog does after it’s come out of water.

Actually, try that now. Pretend that the trapped feelings are dripping off you and give yourself a good shake! As you do that, imagine the unwanted feelings being thrown off into the atmosphere and then just disappearing, harmlessly, somewhere other than in you.

If you can laugh at them as they do that, so much the better.

It’s not a conventional technique but it’s surprisingly effective – a lot of us hold on to our feelings, whether they’re good for us or not. And most techniques involve some way of releasing those unwanted feelings. The method I’ve just described is just more physical than most of the others.

If that doesn’t work for you, no worries. There are other ways you can stop that trapped feeling from dragging you down.

A lot of people turn to comfort food when they’re feeling trapped. That could be sweet, sugary snacks. It could be “food” in the form of nicotine or alcohol. But, whatever form it takes, you know deep down that it’s not healthy.

It feels good at the time but an hour or two later, you’re beating yourself up for having indulged.

Do your best to eat a healthier diet. If not all the time then at least most of the time. A lot of diets involve abstinence from certain foods but that can make you crave them more, so having a day (or maybe two days) off can help stop those cravings. But make sure those break days don’t turn back into regular days.

Taking back control of your life is another way to stop feeling trapped. Chances are at least some of the trapped feelings are coming from not being in control. Sometimes that’s unavoidable but most of the time we can take steps to regain control – start with the smaller things first because they’ll likely be quick to gain a win and then success starts to breed success as you go on to the larger items.

Another option is to hypnotise yourself.

Or, more correctly, listen to a hypnosis audio like the one I’ve linked below this video.

It will do all the hard work of getting the trapped feelings out of your mind. All you need to do is download it and listen to it.

So, if that sounds like a plan, click the link below this video and get on your way to reclaiming your life.

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