Champion Age Comparison in Lore - League of Legends 2020
Bored Spirit Bored Spirit
71.2K subscribers

 Published On May 15, 2020

All Champion Age in Lore Comparison - LOL 2020
Hope you guys like it! :D

Champions, image from League of Legends
Music: Gangsta Choir Descends
Those numbers were estimated from Lore, Wiki Fandom, a lot of fan discussion on reddit and some from Necrit
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  / age_of_all_champions_according_to_necrit_l...
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Aurelion Sol: 12,000,000 7:06
Bard: 10,000,000 7:06
Soraka: 2,000,000 7:06
Evelynn: 15,000 7:06
Fiddlesticks: 15,000 6:34
Kindred: 15,000 6:34
Tahm Kench: 15,000 6:34
Maokai: 15,000 6:34
Malphite: 10,000 6:34
Anivia: 10,000 6:34
Ornn: 10,000 6:34
Volibear: 10,000 6:34
Skarner: 9,000 6:34
Amumu: 8,000 6:34
Vel'Koz: 8,000 6:34
Cho'Gath: 7,000 6:11
Rek'Sai: 7,000 6:11
Kha'Zix: 6,000 6:11
Aatrox: 5,800 6:11
Kog'Maw: 5,000 6:11
Nasus: 3,800 6:11
Renekton: 3,800 6:11
Zilean: 3,500 6:11
Jax: 3,500 5:51
Azir: 3,100 5:51
Xerath: 3,100 5:51
Varus: 3,000 5:51
Rammus: 3,000 5:51
LeBlanc: 2,000 5:51
Gnar: 2,000 5:51
Mordekaiser: 1,700 5:20
Vladimir: 1,570 5:20
Zoe: 1,200 5:20
Poppy: 1,100 5:20
Hecarim: 1,075 5:20
Kalista: 1,075 5:20
Thresh: 1,075 5:20
Yorick: 1,075 5:20
Ryze: 1,030 5:20
Zyra: 1,000 5:20
Kayle: 1,000 5:20
Morgana: 1,000 4:46
Nocturne: 950 4:46
Ivern: 900 4:46
Lissandra: 900 4:46
Kled: 800 4:46
Galio: 700 4:46
Fizz: 600 4:46
Janna: 500 4:46
Elise: 400 4:46
Lulu: 400 4:24
Shaco: 300 4:24
Veigar: 250 4:24
Karthus: 200 4:24
Nautilus: 200 4:24
Alistar: 200 4:24
Neeko: 200 4:24
Singed: 136 4:24
Heimerdinger: 120 4:24
Sion: 90 4:24
Camille: 80 4:24
Gangplank: 66 3:48
Kennen: 60 3:48
Pyke: 60 3:48
Ziggs: 60 3:48
Swain: 55 3:48
Gragas: 50 3:48
Illaoi: 50 3:48
Kassadin: 50 3:48
Rengar: 50 3:48
Rumble: 50 3:48
Teemo: 50 3:48
Tristana: 50 3:48
Malzahar: 50 3:48
Urgot: 50 3:18
Udyr: 50 3:18
Corki: 50 3:18
Ahri: 45 3:18
Braum: 45 3:18
Olaf: 45 3:18
Darius: 40 3:18
Jhin: 39 3:18
Xin Zhao: 39 3:18
Draven: 37 3:18
Graves: 37 2:47
Twisted Fate: 37 2:47
Viktor: 37 2:47
Pantheon: 35 2:47
Trundle: 35 2:47
Jayce: 35 2:47
Zed: 35 2:47
Lucian: 35 2:47
Syndra: 35 2:47
Brand: 35 2:47
Shen: 34 2:47
Senna: 33 2:47
Warwick: 32 2:12
Karma: 31 2:12
Lee Sin: 30 2:12
Tryndamere: 30 2:12
Sylas: 30 2:12
Vayne: 29 2:12
Master Yi: 29 2:12
Nidalee: 29 2:12
Caitlyn: 28 2:12
Shyvana: 28 2:12
Yasuo: 28 2:12
Sett: 28 2:12
Rakan: 27 1:50
Jarvan IV: 27 1:50
Katarina: 27 1:50
Cassiopeia: 26 1:50
Leona: 26 1:50
Garen: 26 1:50
Miss Fortune: 26 1:50
Diana: 25 1:50
Riven: 25 1:27
Taric: 25 1:27
Wukong: 25 1:27
Aphelios: 25 1:27
Fiora: 24 1:27
Talon: 24 1:27
Irelia: 24 1:27
Sejuani: 23 1:27
Xayah: 23 1:06
Sivir: 23 1:06
Vi: 23 1:06
Ashe: 23 1:06
Quinn: 22 1:06
Orianna: 22 1:06
Jinx: 21 1:06
Kai'Sa: 21 1:06
Dr. Mundo: 21 0:46
Ezreal: 20 0:46
Sona: 20 0:46
Qiyana: 20 0:46
Akali: 19 0:46
Lux: 19 0:46
Nami: 18 0:46
Kayn: 17 0:46
Taliyah: 16 0:21
Ekko: 16 0:21
Blitzcrank: 11 0:21
Zac: 9 0:21
Annie: 8 0:21
Nunu & Willump: 8 0:21
Yuumi: 7 0:21
Twitch: 2 0:21

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