Ended up down a drain…

 Published On May 8, 2024

No footage of the drain sorry, didn’t have my phone with me as I was worried about dropping it, but it was a ducklings down a drain rescue last night that meant I couldn’t share this as planned… nine ducklings saved last night, Helen caught four on land with her net, and managed to net another four from the drain before I got there, and one more after I arrived. Ducklings now safe with a foster mama.

So Sydney and Wilma last night, I got there to find someone had ignored my very clear sign and thrown rolled oats all over the nest, not long after a local resident had carefully removed loads of bread that had been thrown at Wilma and upset her massively. Honestly, people?!! Sydney was visibly stressed, the geese were closer than he likes them to be and the poor fella is feeling the strain as hatch day approaches… it’s the home stretch now, around a week, maybe less…

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