StreetSmartEdge® Transition to thinkorswim® Virtual Workshop | Desktop Part 2 | 4--9-24

 Published On Apr 10, 2024

StreetSmartEdge® Transition to thinkorswim® Virtual Workshop | 4-9-24
Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options.

You received an overview of the thinkorswim® desktop trading platform in session one. Now get ready for a deep dive into the Monitor Tab, Trade Tab, and Charts Tab. After this session, you’ll be ready to place orders, monitor & analyze your positions, and customize your charts. You’ll see an in-depth review of the Trade Tab and how to modify the option chain to display your favorite data, and you’ll learn a variety of ways to place trades, save order templates, and speed up the order process. Finally, explore the flexibility of the Charts Tab learning how to add/remove studies, see how to use the drawing tools, and how to save a variety of study sets and styles—and what the difference is! (0424-WN39)

#leebohl #mikefairbourn #schwabcoaching #thinkorswim

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