Your Independence Day: Freedom from the Ukulele Strap!
Rich Davis Rich Davis
52.1K subscribers

 Published On May 9, 2024

Ukulele straps are very useful and I generally require every ukulele I have to have strap buttons and straps that fit on them. Since I have many ukuleles I have become adept at installing strap buttons and find it a pleasure to do this for my ukes. BTW, I have many videos showing my easy and innovative techniques for installing strap buttons without using an electric drill. Use of a strap can provide instrument stability in the early days of learning to play. Use of a strap is especially useful when a person learns to stand up and play for the first time, or starts strumming fast and doing complicated strumming techniques. And, use of a strap is essential for people who teach or perform on stage and want to talk and use their hands between sessions of playing! But, Independence Day comes when you learn how to play ukulele without using a strap!! It's just one more Ukulele Thing to do that is super cool!

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