Pornography and Free Speech | Nadine Strossen and Holly Lawford-Smith
Brain in a Vat Brain in a Vat
6.16K subscribers

 Published On Feb 25, 2024

We welcome back Nadine Strossen for a comprehensive discussion about pornography and free speech. She highlights points from her re-released book 'Defending Pornography', explaining why she supports the freedom of sexual expression. Her thought experiment is about a respected academic who makes adult videos, raising questions about personal freedom, professional reputability, and potential harm to his university. She also explores the complex relationship between pornography, liberty, and equality, emphasizing that context matters when considering whether freedom of speech overrides other concerns.

The conversation also touches on whether pornography subordinates women, Nadine underlines that she defends the right to pornography not because she is an aficionado, but because she believes in individual choices.

Defending Pornography Book:

Free Speech Book:

00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation
00:37 Understanding Pornography and Free Speech
02:00 Controversies Surrounding Pornography
02:12 Case Study: Provost's Scandal
03:22 Debate on the Provost's Case
03:54 Exploring the Concept of Academic Freedom
05:10 Counter Argument: The Question of Judgment
06:43 The Impact of Sexual Taboos
07:30 The Role of the American Association of University Professors
08:16 Discussion on the Provost's First Amendment Claim
12:12 The Shift in Pornography Production
17:58 The Debate on Virtual Child Pornography
27:14 The Feminist Perspective on Pornography
40:13 Understanding the Real Case of Subordination
40:29 The Role of Subordination in Fantasy and Pornography
41:05 The Radical Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement
41:56 Analyzing Media and Subordinating Imagery
42:45 The Impact of Subordinating Imagery
42:59 The Irony of Anti-Pornography Activism
43:58 The Controversy of Subordinating Images in Public Spaces
45:05 The Role of Pornography in Society
46:15 The Popularity and Impact of Pornography
47:31 The Positive Benefits of Pornography
48:30 Balancing Liberty and Equality in Free Speech
55:02 The Intersection of Hate Speech and Pornography
01:00:02 The Egalitarian Nature of Pornography
01:05:48 The Controversy of Being a 'Minority Intellectual Dissident'

Presenters: Mark Oppenheimer and Jason Werbeloff
Editor and Producer: Jimmy Mullen and Porter Kaufman

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