15th Alabama infantry regiment living history program - June 29, 2019
GettysburgNPS GettysburgNPS
43.7K subscribers

 Published On Jul 22, 2019

Approximately 500 soldiers of the 15th Alabama infantry regiment, part of Brig. Gen Evander M. Law's Brigade, marched 25 miles in 11 hours in order to reach Gettysburg on July 2, 1863.

On June 29, 2019, approximately 100 living historians from the Liberty Rifles living history group participated in a camp-life demonstration at the Slyder farm, then retraced the steps of the 15th Alabama by marching over Big Round Top en-route to their engagement against the men of the 20th Maine on the slopes of Little Round Top.

We would like to thank the Liberty Rifles volunteer living history group for helping us with this very special program and their continuing education efforts. Thank You!

Visit the Liberty Rifles website for more information: LibertyRifles.org

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