Episode 0 (Solo Campaign) Across a Thousand Dead Worlds with Man Alone!! (Me)
Man Alone Man Alone
3.17K subscribers

 Published On Apr 5, 2024

Hello all you Manalorians, Manalonies, Manalonnaise, and....manaLONNIES? Just try it! I defied all odds and broke all promises to upload this first video in my Across a Thousand Dead Worlds solo campaign. Why? Because it is a TRAGEDY that there are not 5000 videos on this game on YT. Let's wake people up to the beauty of this solo game and give it the due it deserves!

I know there are plenty of session 0 content out there with no session 1's to speak of. Let's change all of that. This is my ACCOUNTABILITY video, so that if I don't make a session 1, 2, 3...98, etc., this video will stand as a monument to my shame.

Check this awesome game out for yourself: https://acrossathousanddeadworlds.com

As well as a bevy or free tools (including a stripped-down rules reference for FREE: https://acrossathousanddeadworlds.com...

Buy my soloRPG game The Bartleby, still on sale for only $1 for the pdf. It's a heist game...where you play as the *jewel itself** (not the singer):https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/p...

[all first month proceeds from my game will be used to buy a new bobblehead for my play area]

Support Coriolis Kickstarter Campaign!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...

And don't forget to EMAIL me at [email protected] if you want to be part of this round robin collaborative solo rp video "ring" for (International) SoloRPG month (must be able to upload a video to YouTube). Email me if interested.

No seals were harmed in the making of this intro. Anyone who messes with a seal messes with me.

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