You're a Witch that Wants to Celebrate π“žπ“Όπ“½π“ͺ𝓻π“ͺ But the Spirit of π•³π–†π–‘π–‘π–”π–œπ–Šπ–Šπ–“ is Far Too Strong

 Published On Mar 11, 2024

POV: The days begin to get longer, the nights shorter, and the weather warmer. You begin to hear the telltale signs of nature coming out of its long sleep; are delighted to see the small signs of nature coming back alive and animals starting to go about their days. But there is something within you that yearns to languish in the final licks of frost, wherever they may be, even if they become ever so fleeting. For, even though the Wheel of the Year continues to spin towards warmer times, you still enjoy the memories of a great Hallow's Eve.


I'm one of those that celebrates Halloween all year long, so don't mind me. Just dropping in a last Hurrah for my favorite time of the year before going fully into the coming spring.

May you never hunger or thirst and may your magic be powerful, Wonderfuls!


All images were created by AI generators/all music is copyright free and found through interweb searches.

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