Respecting Agency Of Schizophrenics: Avoid Responsibility Removal

 Published On May 24, 2022

BC Schizophrenia Society is running their #BustAMythBC contest again this year, 2022!
To mark #MentalillnessMay, they called out to people with lived experience of psychosis, including schizophrenia, to create some content.
I participated in 2020, and now again nednednerB the Schizophrenic is here for #schizophreniafacts and to #smashstigma

"Schizophrenics cannot take self responsibility
How does ableism take agency away from people who experience psychosis?
Sure, sometimes people cannot control many behaviours, that's instinct, habit, and so on.
However, to assume a diagnosis means a person is no longer responsible would be making a poor choice.
Really, some symptoms are sudden, involuntary, and hard to predict. W
e also have responsible agency as human beings.
If I am experiencing technical difficulties, maybe I could do a reboot, go to sleep, or go home and charge.
Oh that's what to do with my phone.
If I am having trouble, just tell me do to the same.
Thank you BC Schizohrenia Society.
Bust A Myth."
This has been a production of
nednednerB the Schizophrenic

Mostly, in my videos I discuss schizophrenia, mental health, and philosophy.
To ease suffering through mental health education.

Someone asked about my writing and ideas and what I do in my free time:

Digital version of my book, Insights Toward Sanity:

Paper referred to in live stream:
Spinoza, Deep Ecology, and Human Diversity -- Schizophrenics and Others Who Could Heal the Earth If Society Realized Eco-Literacy

I 'm sound guy for the Freshwater Stream Podcast:

Music I made or helped make:
   / @nerbeater441  

Rebels of Terra

Thanks for watching! If you learned something interesting today, please share the video so some else can learn too!

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