How to Hack an iPhone

 Published On Apr 14, 2023

Today we’re talking about the pinnacle of innovation, creativity, and wealth. Well, at least in our kids’ eyes. We’re talking about iPhones. Why? Because our kids ask for them by name, and we could very easily dust off an old model as a hand-me-down.

But what challenges will we face if we go this route? Well, for starters, the workarounds and loopholes are endless. Here are just a few:

After kids reach the max­i­mum screen time limit, they can use Siri to dic­tate and send mes­sages to their friends.

Want to block YouTube through the parental controls? Too bad, cause they’ll just open an embedded link to YouTube through iMessage.
When their time limit is up, they can delete and reinstall apps to restart the clock.

Kids can pull pass­codes that let them bypass, dis­able or change limits by screen record­ing after hand­ing their device to you.
And kids can simply change their time zone to increase their screen time.

If the hand-me-down iPhone (or new one!) is the path you’re planning to take, try to stay ahead of your kid by reviewing the possible loopholes and dangers they'll encounter.

Just remember, we can’t control our kids, but we can strengthen our relationships—and that is the most powerful tool we have in keeping our kids and teens on the right track.

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