Insight to Automobile Design in the Internet Age - Shao Jingfeng
ArtCenter in China ArtCenter in China
129 subscribers

 Published On Sep 14, 2016

Shao Jingfeng's Speech at "Innovations that Transform the World" design conference, Beijing, China. 2016.7.22

Shao JingFeng has been working for Saic Volkswagen since college graduaRon. In 2011, Shao was promoted as the Chief Designing Officer of Technological Center for Passenger Vehicles in Shanghai AutomoRve Industry CorporaRon(Group) (SAIC), devoRng himself in building self-owned brand. 2015, the Roewe Vision-R Concept Car designed by Shao was awarded the Best Design of China's Concept Car in 2015. In addiRon, Shao also proacRvely organize the Roewe MG Championship in which college students from all over the globe would compete in car designing. By organizing such event, Shao was able to propel the development of both the production and research of car designing.

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