How to make 4 traditional Malaysian Kueh

 Published On Mar 10, 2024

Glutinous Rice with Banana

250g white glutinous rice
180ml coconut milk
35g sugar
half teaspoon salt
2 pandan leaves (knotted)
Banana (peeled and cut into 3-4 slices)

14pcs banana leaves (cut into rectangle, 20x18cm)
Cotton rope/water grass rope

Purple Sweet Potato Kuih Talam
200 grams of purple sweet potatoes (Peel, wash, and cut into cubes, steam for 20 minutes until cooked, set aside)
Bottom Layer:
80 grams of rice flour
20 grams of tapioca flour
30 grams of sugar 1
teaspoon of salt
300ml coconut milk
200 ml of water (Mix all the above ingredients evenly)
100 grams of steamed purple sweet potato cubes (from the 200 grams above)
2 pandan leaves (knotted)

1. Mix all the ingredients together. Strain the batter and pour it into a pot. Add 2 knotted pandan leaves. Cook over low heat until it thickens slightly (the batter should have some lumps
2. Grease a 7-inch square mold and line it with parchment paper (for easy removal).
3. Remove the pandan leaves, then pour the white batter into the mold. Mix in approximately 70 grams of steamed purple sweet potato cubes. Steam over medium heat for 25 minutes.

Top Layer:
75 grams of tapioca flour
50 grams of rice flour
100 grams of sugar A pinch of salt
450 ml of water Purple sweet potato mash (mash the remaining purple sweet potato cubes)
A little purple food coloring (optional)

1. Mix all the ingredients together and pour them into a pot. Cook over low heat until it thickens (the batter should have some lumps from the pandan leaves).
2. Pour the cooked batter on top of the bottom layer. Steam over high heat for 35 minutes.
3. Let it cool, then cut into pieces and enjoy.

班蘭打南糕/青白雙層糕/ Kuih Talam Pandan
   • 班蘭打南糕/青白雙層糕/ Kuih Talam  

蒸南瓜打南糕│金瓜双层糕│柔软Q弹 │ Kuih Talam Pumpkin
   • 蒸南瓜糕│金瓜双层糕│柔软Q弹 │ Kuih Talam Pumpkin  

椰糖打南糕│ Gula Melaka Cake Tray (Gula Melaka Layer Kueh)
   • 【天然无色素】马六甲椰糖打南糕  Kueh Talam Gula Mela...  


Abok Abok Sago Pandan

Ingredient A:

150g sago
75g fresh shredded white coconut
20g caster sugar
1 g salt
30ml pandan juice concentrate (pandan essence)

Ingredients B:
100g gula melaka (grinded)


1) Soak the sago in water for 10 minutes and drain.
2) Mix ingredients A evenly
3) Roll the banana leaves into a cone shape
4) Scoop in 1 tablespoon of sago, add 1 teaspoon of gula melaka, then put sago to cover the gula melaka
5) Fold the excess banana leaf in towards the middle and fix it with a toothpick
6) Steam for 20 minutes.

Concentrated pandan juice (pandan essence):
   • 自制天然香兰精华/ Natural Pandan Extract/ Hom...  

Deed Fried Coconut Cassava Kueh

500g cassava (steamed, mashed while hot)
90g brown/caster sugar
100g shredded coconut

ingredients B (batter)
70g plain flour
35g rice flour
1 tsp salt
½ teaspoon baking powder
120ml water

1. The cassava is steamed and pressed into mud while it is hot.
2. Add castor sugar and mix well. Taste, if not sweet enough, add more sugar.
3. Knead into small oval balls
4. Batter: Whisk all batter ingredients until smooth.
5. Heat up the oil, dip the tapioca balls in the batter and deep-fry over medium heat until golden brown.

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