5 Tips to Treat Urinary Urgency|Best Treatment Overactive Bladder-Dr.Girish Nelivigi|Doctors' Circle

 Published On Oct 7, 2020

Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Appointment booking no :70222 09038 / 08048668768
Consultant Urologist and Andrologist|Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital, Bengaluru
Overactive bladder is a distressing condition seen in both men and women. In the recent years the treatment for over active bladder has progressed and our understanding of over active bladder also has progressed. Therefore we have very effective treatment modalities for Overactive bladder. Doctor after evaluating Overactive bladder will treat for any conditions like urine infections, stones etc, however when the cause is found then there are some lifestyle modifications and drug treatment. What are the lifestyle modifications? One is to restrict fluids then not allow the bladder to overfill, but to visits the toilet in timed and periodic manner so that the leakable and urgency is reduced and the third is a biofeedback w here the man or women is given a feedback how the bladder ill is and how to control it. However in the last many years many effective drugs have been released which have been used. These are called as beta 3 agonists antimuscarinics. Some of these drugs decrease the contractility of the bladder and doesnt allow the leak to happen if the person feels too many side effects associated with the drugs then there is a technique called as intravescical botulinum injection.

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