鳳爪蒸排骨 Steamed Pork Rib with Fried Chicken Feet **字幕CC Eng. Sub**
好易煮 oe cook 好易煮 oe cook
230K subscribers

 Published On Dec 25, 2022

炸鳳爪 250 克
排骨 200 克
豆豉 1 湯匙
薑、蔥、蒜頭、辣椒 適量
紹興酒 1 湯匙
澱粉 1 湯匙
生抽 1 茶匙
老抽 1 茶匙
糖 1 茶匙
鹽 1/8 茶匙
雞粉、油 適量

1️⃣ 豆豉可原粒也可略為剁碎,熱鍋下油,爆香蒜頭、豆豉和薑末,盛出備用。
2️⃣ 鳳爪放些蔥、薑和 1 湯匙紹興酒汆水,洗淨吸乾水,去掉指甲,切開成兩半。
3️⃣ 排骨洗淨後吸乾水,醃一下鳳爪和排骨,放少許胡椒粉、蒜頭豆豉、少許蠔油、1 茶匙生抽、1 茶匙老抽、1 茶匙糖、1/8 茶匙鹽、辣椒、1 湯匙澱粉、少許油醃半小時,喜歡濃味的可以加些雞粉。
4️⃣ 水滾下鍋,中火蒸 45 分鐘。蒸熟後撒上蔥花即可。

Fried Chicken Feet (Phoenix Claws) - 250g
Pork Ribs - 200g
Fermented Black Beans - 1 tablespoon
Ginger, Spring Onion, Garlic, Chili Pepper - as needed
Shaoxing Wine - 1 tablespoon
Cornstarch - 1 tablespoon
Light Soy Sauce - 1 teaspoon
Dark Soy Sauce - 1 teaspoon
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1/8 teaspoon
Oyster Sauce, a pinch of White Pepper Powder
Chicken Powder, Oil - as needed

🟢Cooking Directions:
1️⃣ The fermented black beans can be left whole or roughly chopped. Heat up a wok with oil and stir-fry minced garlic, fermented black beans, and ginger until fragrant. Set aside.
2️⃣ Blanch the chicken feet with some spring onions, ginger, and 1 tbsp of Shaoxing wine. Rinse and dry them, remove the nails, and cut them in half.
3️⃣ Rinse the pork ribs and dry them, then marinate them together with the chicken feet. Add some white pepper powder, minced garlic, fermented black beans, a little oyster sauce, 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp dark soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1/8 tsp salt, chili, 1 tbsp cornstarch, and a little oil. Marinate for half an hour. You can add some chicken powder if you like a richer flavor.
4️⃣ Boil water in a pot and steam the pork ribs and chicken feet over medium heat for 45 minutes. After steaming, sprinkle with chopped spring onions and serve.

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